Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Map!

It is most folks dream to find that elusive treasure map that will lead them to untold fortunes.  Childhood stories of pirate treasure told by well meaning parents and grandparents only served to heighten that desire especially in highly imaginative children.  Sadly, there are those that never outgrow that stage and still, in adulthood, believe that such treasure and maps exist.  Well, I am here to debunk the myth!  The myth that treasure maps do not exist!  They do, indeed!  Now, I cannot profess to know if said treasure of pearls, rubies and gold doubloons actually is real but there is definitely treasure to be found...and there are maps to lead you to it.  I found just such a map today so there is my proof!

I was on the pier being bored by the lack of excitement when I first laid eyes on the map!  It was right there in plain view!  I have walked past it on a thousand occasions and never noticed it before but today it stood out like the proverbial "sore thumb".  How had I not seen this before?  Is my vision being blurred by the ordinary so that I cannot see the extraordinary?  Anyway, the map was right on one of the pier posts!  I hurried over to examine the "map".  Was this some fine trick of my imagination or really a map?  And if it was a map, would it lead me to some fantastic wealth?  I studied the map.  It sure did look like a map to me! Then, to confirm that this was indeed a treasure map..a clue!  A lone nail was hammered into the top of the post and on that nail's head was the clear imprint of the pretty-much-universally-recognized dollar sign!  Well, that was enough for me!  I had found it!  I was surely to be the richest woman on earth now!  I just needed to decipher this map!  I stared at the map.  Hmmm, I did not recognize any particular part of it.  I could find no local landmarks that might give me a starting point so I was bewildered.  Even with my vivid imagination, this map was pushing it a mite!   After looking at the thing for a while, I decided that perhaps I was wrong.  Maybe this was not a treasure map.  I guess it was just a pile of pelican poop that was washed from the post during our recent rains.  Drats!  I was all set to be rich beyond my dreams!  Still..there is that nail!  That nail that hints strongly that something might....nah, just pelican poop!

With all of this studying of the post, I did come to the conclusion that there is a treasure, though.  That treasure is this little Bayou where I can while away the hours in some dreamland of pirates, treasures and maps.  A place where my imagination did not have to die away with adulthood.  A place that can inspire and create all sorts of fantastical myths all its own.  Yep, the Bayou is definitely a treasure!  ....Now..about that nail.....

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