Saturday, September 21, 2013

Harvest Moon

A few nights ago, the moon was full and bright...for a few moments.  Then, the clouds covered over most of the area and our moon went unnoticed for a good bit of the night.  It peeked out occasionally but never could project its full glory.  This was the Harvest Moon!  That name that so many folks apply to any moon that happens to occur during late summer or fall.  Harvest Moon! Yep, even the name sounds like something that should happen just about Halloween. But..the Harvest Moon is not just any full moon that happens during the fall!  Not many folks know that this term is applied to the full moon that fall closest to the Autumnal Equinox.  This past week saw that full moon and being as the Autumnal Equinox falls on September 22, the moon was the all wonderful "Harvest Moon"!

Now..a tidbit of needless but interesting information!  The name "Harvest Moon" was given to this moon by the farmers back in the day simply because it let them harvest their crops for a few extra hours on that night. The moon was bright enough that they could see to pick vegetables.  I suppose this might be true for something like pumpkins but I cannot imagine anyone out digging peanuts!  Even if that moon was bright, I wouldn't want to be "grubbling" around in the dirt.  The only experiences I ever had harvesting peanuts saw me covered with ant bites as it was..can you imagine if I did it at night?  At least back when I was a kid, ants loved the peanut rows and pulling up those plants to get the little legumes agitated the critters.  My hands and arms were always covered with welts and itched like crazy!  Then, again, I could possibly imagine harvesting any crops that were easier to see..pumpkins or corn for example.

No, I did not rush out to harvest any crops during the Harvest Moon this past week but I did sneak out to take a few pictures!  I am glad I did since the clouds have covered the sky pretty much since that night.  That moon just never had a chance.  And, besides, my garden has seen better days (and nights) and had nothing to offer in the way of crops to pick.

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