Friday, September 13, 2013

Waning Summer

There is a certain peace in Autumn.  Summer is dying and winter is yet to be born but Autumn lingers just long enough to be a perfectly welcome guest.  The days still bring the heat of summer but then at night, a cooling that is reminiscent of winter drops in to give us hints of what is to come.  Yep, Autumn is a most welcome guest here on the Bayou.  I sat out in the late evening and listened to the flying squirrels as they gnawed on hickory nuts and to the Great Horned Owl as it said goodbye to the setting sun.  Ms. Ez, the old dog laid on the ground next to my chair while Ms. Put, the cat, stalked what I assume was a vole.  She is quite the huntress and can spot a mouse across the yard or hear a vole running through the underground tunnel.  Both the dog and cat were content and I..I found this to be quite the perfect ending to the day.

The weather has been unduly dry as of late.  The garden has seen better days.  The vegetables and herbs linger only with daily waterings. Soon those will be gone as well and the whole place can be cleared and readied for the winter crops.  Most of the zinnias have withered and the Ageratums never stood a chance. One lone Ruby Lily struggled to keep its bloom from wilting.  I watched as the setting sun shot beams of gold through the lily.  It lit up like some lovely stained glass lamp!  Oh, how beautiful!  In the bright light of day, the lily looked almost pathetic but now it had a most gorgeous radiance about it!

I thought about how that lily reminded me of the waning summer. The season, like the flower is clinging to life with all its might.  Soon both will surrender to a chill in the air.  Months of cool, grey days will pass before either will be seen again.  Still, I welcome Autumn..even with the temporary passing of the lily.

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