Saturday, October 5, 2013

Once Again...

Once again, we wait for this fickle storm name Karen.  Now barely hanging onto its tropical storm status, it has become stationary.  Stationary storms tend to make me a tad nervous.  I would much rather them move on their merry way than linger around with the outside chance of strengthening. Under better circumstances, a stalled storm means trouble. Hopefully, this one will decide to zip on out of here or at least come on in to shore.  This storm is also hampering my everyday business!  Michael and I went out today and cleared the garden of all old plants.  It now sits bare..raked clean and smooth.  We opted to wait before sowing any seeds just in case Karen moved in with lots of torrential rains.  Our seeds would have wound up in the Bayou instead of the garden patch!  Another day will pass before our cabbages, turnips and beets ever get planted.  The sun beamed down, the slight breeze cooled us and there was nary a hint of a storm ripping the Bayou.  We wait..once again.

My sister-in-law, Cynthia, came late this evening and she and I headed to the pier.  We scanned the horizon for any sign of incoming bad weather but other than a few clouds all was quiet.  There were not even the usual splashes of pelicans diving for mullet.  Either all of the seabirds had already eaten supper or they had "evacuated" the area!  One lone loon paddled about the Bay.  We stood there for a good twenty minutes or so watching the clouds and enjoying the breeze..and watching that loon. I told Cynthia that I thought the bird was early.  The Common Loons do not usually visit the Bayou until cooler then they hang around until spring.  As soon as the weather warms, they fly off northward to nest.  Just as we were heading back to the house, about thirty ducks flew southward from my cousin, Michelle's, house. She feeds most any critter that begs at her door and the ducks come from all parts to get their share.  I pointed toward the sunset so Cynthia could see the ducks.  At the same time, our friendly loon decided to let out a loud call.  "Oh, my gosh!  What was that?"  To her question, I smiled and pointed.  Mr. Loon was flapping his wings feeling quite spunky with himself!  Loons have the eeriest of calls.  Their call resonates throughout the Bayou with a crisp clearness that sounds not unlike some imaginary Bayou Critter!  I do believe I could actually convince some visitors that a banshee was strolling along the marshes if this bird would call at the opportune moment!

After our interesting visit with the loon, we just managed to scoot back inside before a bit of rain started pelting the rooftop.  Perhaps this is the beginning the long-awaited Karen..the storm that forgot to come.

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