Friday, October 4, 2013

Oh, so calm..quiet..

Once again..we wait.  Tropical Storm Karen has decided to do a bit of waiting herself and has become stationary in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.  The storm is due south of us and seems to be a tad disorganized at the moment, but as we all know..that means nothing.  A storm can make up in a matter of hours to become quite the fiend.  This one seems to be a bit on the fickle side and keeps us all guessing.  We ponder just where she is going and if she deems any preparation.  The C-130s or Hurricane Hunters have been busy over at Keesler Air Base. The roar of their engines could be heard throughout the day as they prepared to make their runs through the storm to gather data.  What would we ever do without these brave folks? As for us,  we have done most of the minor stuff and are ready if Karen decides to visit the Bayou. I always seem to do before any storm..tomorrow, I will bake!  I am not sure why that has become a tradition but it just seems to be the thing to do! 

This morning, the water was calm and the skies were clear.  One or two puffy clouds made their way across the horizon but none that resembled storm clouds were anywhere in sight.  It was just another peaceful morn on the Bayou. 

This evening was much the same.  Some gorgeous clouds caught the redness of the setting sun making the sky a bit interesting but, once again, very calm water.  This could all change in a moment's notice, though, and Karen could become an entity to endure come this weekend. Hopefully not.  Hopefully, she will dissipate and become nothing more than a rainmaker.

While we were out walking, we did notice a number of mushrooms that have popped up around the yard.  It was a never-ending job to keep Ms. Ez, the Bayou Dog, from eating these things.  I should think this old dog would have learned her lesson several years ago when a few bites nearly killed her.  My son, Michael, and I spent all one night doctoring a very sick dog with various herbs and a healthy helping of pumpkin.  Now, she is back sniffing, licking and attempting to munch the very same mushrooms that made her ill before.  I have no clue as to the type of mushrooms as I am not educated at all in the Field of Fungi!  (Now doesn't that sound professional..Field of Fungi!  This is the study of mushrooms and related growths and not a big field of mushrooms.  AND...I just made it up..Field of Fungi!  Ok..ok..)  For all I know, these fleshy blobs might be fully edible but, well, I just as soon pass since I might very well find the one toxic mushroom.  Anyway, we cajoled, pulled, threatened and otherwise attempted to keep the dog from ingesting any potentially harmful fungi.  We hope we succeeded.  I do not need another episode of a sick animal in my house!

I also want to wish my husband, Mark, a very, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  

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