Thursday, October 3, 2013


We are sitting here wondering just where this tropical storm (or hurricane!) is going to make landfall.  It is one of those things that require a lot of waiting since there is not a lot one can do without clear knowledge of a track.  We should know sometime tomorrow if any preparations are necessary.  We do know that we will most likely have some change in the tides and a bit of wind regardless of where it hits.  If, perchance, a direct hit on the Bayou occurs, there will be a lot that needs doing but, for now, we wait.  Mark and I took our waiting to the pier this morning.  The sunrise was gorgeous and the fish were biting.  A few trout and a nice redfish make for a tasty supper.

While we were fishing, a Snowy Egret came to visit.  These birds always make me smile!  I love how graceful they appear until they start to scurry after a minnow.  Then they take on the appearance of some awkward teenager that suddenly has to deal with a growth spurt!  Their legs seem to go in every direction except where the bird wants!  I was showing Mark how I feed these friends of mine.  When I am on the pier alone, the birds will actually take food from my hand but, today, the egret was a bit skittish.   Mark's presence was enough to make the bird leery but it was Ms. Ez, the Bayou Dog, that made things hugely scary!  I had to reprimand Ez several times to make her understand that I wanted the bird there!  After a few menhaden were tossed down the pier a ways, the bird soon came to realize that it was safe.  Closer and closer it came until it was just a few feet away.  Had we stayed longer, I am sure my friend would have come to take the minnow from my hand as it usually does. Sometimes waiting does have its rewards but we were ready to head back to the Little Bayou House.

The Snowy Egret is a beautiful bird that is the epitome of the Bayou.  Old oak trees laden with Spanish Moss, Snowy Egrets and alligators..what better description of a bayou is needed?  It seems a shame that people usual..the factor that almost caused these fine birds to fall into extinction.  The fashion industry coveted their snow white plumes.  Each plume became an overpriced decoration for a hat or other fashion accessory.  The poor birds were hunted almost until there were no more.  I am glad that the birds have become protected so that once again, the marshes can be graced by their beauty.

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