Saturday, October 19, 2013

What a difference!

I am astounded at what a difference a matter of hours can make.  I am referring to the appearance of the horizon.  Today was grey.  There is absolutely no other way to describe it.  Today was grey.  Personally, I loved today.  It was one of those typical fall days where the sky starts out grey with no sun ever showing its face!  A slight drizzly rain and some cooler temperatures made this a most perfect day to stay inside and piddle around in crafts and baking.  I did slip outside long enough to snap a few pictures of the absence of a sunrise, though, when Ms. Ez romped out after the squirrels.  They added to the "fallness" of the day with their busy chattering as they collected and buried hickory nuts.

This evening, however, the story was different.  One peek out the window made me risk burning my banana bread!  Camera in hand, I raced to the pier!  The sky was ablaze with the most phenomenal colors.  I am supposing this is nothing compared to the Aurora Borealis but this is about as gorgeous as it gets down here on the Bayou!  The entire sky was lit up and in constant motion.  Colors were flaring and swirling about like some large kaleidoscope!   In times past, I have compared our sunsets and sunrises to just that..a kaleidoscope.  The ever-changing colors and positions of the clouds just fascinate me.

After a matter of minutes, it was gone.  This sunset will never be seen again...except through photographs of those that were lucky enough to be a part of it.  My vantage point of the pier makes for the perfect spot to view both sunrises and sunsets and this one ranks right up there with the best!  So...Happy Sunset, folks!

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