Monday, November 11, 2013

Oh, Ms. Put!

Ms. Put, our kitty cat, sure makes me smile at times.  Granted she is the most fickle cat on the face of the earth but she does have her moments.  This morning before sunrise, I was up and ready for my coffee.  I groggily stumbled to the kitchen and just as I passed the stairs, a black blob caught my eye.  I knew the cat was inside but she never ceases to surprise me with her choice of napping places.  This morning, as she has for the past few mornings, she chose the bottom step of the stairway.  Normally, this might not be the ideal snoozing spot as she might get squished by anyone making their way down the stairs.  I am supposing she feels rather safe since my son, Michael, would be the only one making that trek and since he is most careful of her whereabouts.

What struck me as being humorous this morning (and the past few), is the fact that she has insisted on sleeping with her head on a greeting card.  My son-in-law and daughter, Robbie and Elizabeth, sent a Halloween card to me last month.  I kept it on the shelf for all to see until I stored the decorations.  I always save the cards from them and use them each year.  For some reason, I forgot the card when stashing the decorations in the upstairs closet.  When I found it, I tossed it on the step with good intentions of toting it up the next time I journeyed up to the closet.  Now, Ms. Put has claimed the card!  She seems to enjoy using it as a pillow.  When I saw her this morning, I grinned as I thought how she really is a Halloween Cat!  That black fur of hers really contrasts with the orange envelope.  Gee, I love this cat!  She gives me so many reasons to smile each day!

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