Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Favorite of Ornaments

I am still dillydallying around with the Christmas decorations.  Normally by this time, I would have the entire Little Bayou House bedecked with Christmas Cheer from top to bottom but since there will be just the three of us this year, I just cannot seem to get in the spirit of things.  The tree is up, the garland strung on the stair rails and a few knickknacks adorn the shelves but this is far from the norm.  I thought perhaps if I stop with the decorating and start baking, I would be happier. I hurried to finish up any small projects so the boxes could be stowed away in the closet.  Tomorrow will see me in the kitchen hopefully stirring up a few tasty treats as well as some Christmas Spirit.

I put a few last ornaments on our pared down tree.  According to my son, Michael, we did not need the ten thousand or so ornaments dangling from every limb of three trees.  This year, we have one tree with a minimal of doodads.  He refused to cart down at least half of my decorations which suited me just fine.  One of the final ornaments to be hung is perhaps one of my all time favorites.  Oh, I have plenty of favorites that people have given to me, made for me or bestowed upon me but this one is special.  The ornament is a tiny little ceramic school house with a cutout window.  Beaming at me through that window is the cutest little boy!  My oldest son's kindergarten teacher made each one of the students a little ornament to take home.  It was a gift for their parents.  Oh, how I love this little thing!  Now that my son, Mark, is grown and has a lovely wife and a darling little girl of his own, the ornament means even more.  Since I do not see him often, I cling to memories from the past.  I smiled when I picked up the ornament.  That adorable little gap-toothed grin.  Those sparkling, happy eyes.  That sweet child that stole my heart.  Yep, this is definitely a favorite!  I am sure glad this was in one of the boxes that Michael saw fit to tote downstairs!  My Christmas would not been nearly as happy!

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