Saturday, December 14, 2013

Not What It Seems!

Occasionally on the Bayou, there are strange occurrences.  At times, things can be downright eerie.  This, however, was not one of those times.  I headed out this morning to catch the elusive sunrise.  Lately, we have been having many rainy and cloudy days that hide the sun and finding that sunrise is tricky.  When I peered out the window before dawn this morning, things seemed promising.  Ms. Ez and I headed down the board path towards the pier.  She was more interested in the rabbit that was munching grass near the marsh but I encouraged her to stay with me.  I figured the rabbit needed to get his breakfast before that big dog chased it back undercover.  Once on the pier, I noticed a flash of white to my right.  Without even thinking, I swung the camera into position and snapped a photograph.  I am so used to taking pictures of anything I see that is different in the area that I did not think twice about this action.  One picture and the white entity was gone!  Hmmm..well, I did get a picture at least!

The sunrise was beautiful even though it was quite brief.  Within a span of five minutes, the sun rose and then disappeared behind the thick wall of clouds.  Rain was definitely on its way, so it seemed.  Now to head to the Little Bayou House and check that photograph!  I was excited, to say the least!  My picture was not what I expected.  In my rush to capture the critter on wing, I had not checked the settings on the camera. That resulted in a blur of white but what an interesting blur it was!  The image almost looked ethereal..not of this world!  I suppose that I could stick with the story that this was some arcane creature.  Perhaps this was the Will-O-The-Wisp that haunts the Bayou.  Maybe a lost soul that floats about in silent beauty.  This is how tales are started and with a photograph it would be most believable.

This, however, was not a bizarre being that inhabits the Bayou but rather a gorgeous Snowy Egret that had taken flight. (Later today, I was able to capture a much better image of the bird.)  The Snowy Egret is quite elegant and graceful but my camera-handling left much to be desired this morning.  Instead of the beauty of a bird on the wing, I caught something rather unusual.  Still, if you look at it in a different view, it is rather intriguing in a skewed sort of way!  Sometimes mistakes can be lovely!

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