Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dancing to Different Tune or Lady Katrina

Lady Katrina is one stoic lady.  She survived the worst hurricane to ever hit the Coast and lives on today.  Once known as Fraulein Maria, she received her present name after this horrible storm.  The name change is only one of several changes to become common to her.  Fraulein Maria, for those who do not know, was the lovely governess to the von Trapp children in the musical "The Sound of Music".  Locally, this lady obviously lived in some loving family's home.  Then along came Hurricane Katrina.  Fraulein Maria was relocated to my creek.  She had traveled many miles on the rough seas of the hurricane only to settle among the limbs of a scrubby bush on the edge of what was my creek.  While out surveying the damage, I noticed the lovely lady quite hung up in the bush and rescued her.  I brought her home to the Little Bayou House.  After a nice bath, I informed her that due to her current circumstances she should be known as Lady Katrina henceforth.  Thus, Lady Katrina became a full time resident on the Bayou.  Once she came, she never left.  Not that I mind as she is quite welcome here.

Lady Katrina is a porcelain music box that somehow managed to stay intact through the ravages of the storm.  She bares nary a scar other than the fact that I dismantled her to clean her inner workings.  The music box mechanism was filled with mud and saltwater.  That timely cleaning saved her, I do believe!  Still, the lovely lady sat on the shelf without ever being reassembled.  The thin wooden circle that connected the mechanism to the porcelain was the only casualty to the music box and I had merely neglected to ever cut a new piece.  Today, Michael carefully measured and cut the piece for me.  While he was about it, he cleaned the mechanism once again.  Over the years, the tune "The Sound of Music" tinkled on from the little drum but had collected a few dust bunnies along the way.  Once he cleaned it nicely, he oiled the gears.  Now it plays delightfully well with one exception!  It no longer plays the title tune!  Somehow, something must have gotten shoved a bit to one side or maybe tightened a bit too much because now the mechanism plays a rather unrecognizable tune!  The tinkling of the music box trills a fanciful song of mismatched notes.  Michael looked at me as he deadpanned that Lady Katrina now dances to a different tune.  He did offer to reset the steel comb that plucks out the music but I refused!  Since she has acquired a new lease on  life, she needs a new tune.  Lady Katrina now dances to her own music!

So, the story of Lady Katrina, who now resides on the Bayou and dances to a new tune has become quite an interesting tale.  I wonder if her original family ever thought that she survived the storm......I often wonder if they did.  Lady Katrina shall live out her days in the Little Bayou House.  She deserves that.

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