Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Moroccan-style Greenhouse?

  This past week saw me celebrating (or trying not to celebrate) my birthday.  I was in high hopes that everyone would simply forget that birthdays exist and would not endow me with useless dust collectors. I know this sounds a bit ungrateful but those who have been inside the Little Bayou House know it is filled to capacity with useless items.  It seems that I am the collector of things that no one else wants so my shelves have endless amount of items on which dust may settle.  I need no more.  I got more.

  Actually, Mark did really well this year.  He got me seeds!  Not just any seeds but hard to find herb seeds. This made me extremely happy as I do use a lot of herbs and, well, plants do not sit on a shelf.  He also bought me a birdhouse, a sundial and a Weedeater!  (To be honest, I begged for the Weedeater as mine had gone kaput this past summer and I was in dire need of one.)  Michael is building the greenhouse as my gift (and for a bunch of future gifts!) so that is something that does not qualify as a dust collector either.  Greenhouses are hard to be dusty since they are so humid. Then we come to Darling Daughter's gift to me.

  Elizabeth is probably the only person in the world who would dream up a Moroccan style of a greenhouse.  She and Robbie sent me four Moroccan-style lanterns as a gift. These, she explained, were to be hung in the greenhouse along with any other funky items she sends. Of course, I love them.  She and I are so alike on our ideas of things that it is almost scary. I had looked at these very same lanterns about three months ago.  I had even gone so far as to ask Michael to mount a very "scrolly" header board that I found in some hurricane debris years ago.  It was off of a porch of one of the old houses in Biloxi.  The waters washed it across the Bay and left it in my yard.  The thing was too pretty to just toss in the trash so I have saved it all of these years with intentions of using it somewhere special.  Well, now I know where that special place is! It is in my "Moroccan-style" greenhouse!  The lanterns will hang from the header board and look right nice!  Only my daughter would know that! Elizabeth and I both use our imaginations when it comes to decorating even if it is in a utilitarian outbuilding!  Who says that greenhouses cannot be fully decorated?

  I must admit that I am excited about getting my long awaited greenhouse and I am just as excited about hanging my lanterns!  Dust collectors, bah! Moroccan lanterns are not dust collectors!  Not at all! They are fabulous! I will have one fantastically decorated greenhouse filled with weird and wonderful things!  Greenhouses are not just for plants! Thank you, Sweet Daughter!  (You have great decorating style!)

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