Thursday, March 13, 2014

The "Wind Whirly"

  It is always an interesting time when my sister, Susan, visits the Bayou. She and I will traipse about the yard hunting for any plant that she might wish to "rehome" at her place.  With shovel in hand, we go from garden spot to garden spot digging petunias, roses, zinnias or what have you. Today, she took only a few rose bushes, some nandina bushes and a buckeye sapling.  Her time was pressed as "grandmother duty" called and she had to be at the local school to meet her granddaughter.  A promise to come back next week made things all better!

  Another thing about her visits is that although she usually leaves with a number of things, she never comes empty handed.  Susan always comes bearing gifts of one kind or another.  These gifts can range anywhere from some fat pine knots (which she knows I will use in the woodstove) to some elaborate decorative piece.  Today's gift was a Wind Whirly!  It seems that she knows an elderly gentleman who makes these fantastic wind-catchers and she knew that one was needed on the Bayou.  The thing does, indeed, whirl in the wind but more than that, it is amazing craftsmanship.  I stand in awe of the precise detail that was used in creating this unique yard ornament.  The thing is nearly three feet long with movable slats spiraling the entire length.   Since it is made of cedar for durability, she says it can stay outside regardless of the weather.  We decided to hang it on one of the driftwood posts that hold the bird feeders.  As soon as I hung it, the thing started to spin.  We stood watching it for some time as she told me about the gentleman and how she did not know just what to call it.  The name Wind Whirly was born! Perfect!  The whirling was mesmerizing!

  My sister knows that I adore handmade gifts!  This Wind Whirly is perfect!  My only problem is that I fretted over leaving it out in the weather. Late evening saw me slipping out to bring my prize inside!  Yep, I will hang it out again come morning but until I find a more protected place for it, I will dutifully tote it inside each evening.  (Those coons do strange things to most items left outside but they won't get a chance with this one!)  Thank you, Susan!  I love my Wind Whirly and I love you!

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