Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sunshiny Yellow on a Grey Day!

  Winter has returned to the Bayou in full force.  At one point this morning, it was sleeting but now that has turned to rain.  The cold, cold rain and a brisk wind makes it a chore to get to the woodpile. Still that trek to the rack for extra logs is necessary so I don the jacket and face the chill.  A lot of folks here are complaining about the weather but I have to just be thankful that we are not facing what most others are.  I can deal with a few days of icy air compared to the frigid cold and heavy blizzard conditions some family members are enduring further north.  My Bayou suits me just fine.

  On one such trip to the woodpile, I had to start smiling when I spied a bit of brilliant yellow!  The woodpile is at the end of the vegetable garden plot and as I passed the turnip greens and mustard greens, I was greeted by the sunshiny yellow blooms on the mustards.  The greens are all bolting (blooming) this week in preparation of setting seeds.  These seeds will be harvested and saved for planting in the fall garden.  At first, I hated to see the tall stalks starting to shoot up on the greens as I will, indeed, miss my daily serving of the nutritious greens.  They have supplied us well for the entire winter in spite of the ice.

   In a sense, I suppose the mustard greens are "supplying" me well again today.  I was missing my sunshiny days and was perhaps a bit glum with the idea of winter's return.  The bright yellow blooms almost brought the same warm feeling that a sunny day offers.  Spring can be found in so many ways!

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