Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Grass is Always Greener

  The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence refers to the human thought that we might be happier given different circumstances. This is true, I suppose, in some cases but I am willing to say that, more oft than not, if we would just tend to our own grass, it would be just as green. Why, it might even be greener!  Our happiness, wealth or even health is most of the time purely up to us. Whining about our circumstances or coveting our neighbors' "greener grass" does nothing more than make us miserable.  So, that said, get out there and fertilize your lawn!  (Or at least plant some quick growing rye grass!)  No, seriously, a better thing to do is merely to improve not only your plot in life but also your outlook.

  Speaking of planting rye grass and greener pastures, my brother did just that.  His lawn is the most brilliant green!  With all of the harsh weather we have had, our lawn looks pretty pathetic.  When I look across the way and see his, I feel a tad sorry for my poor blades of green..err, brown. Yesterday, I broke out the lawn mower and cut for six hours.  Not that the grass needed trimming but rather I was too lazy to rake all three and a half acres.  I raked enough doing just the garden areas!  The mower did a fine job of mulching down the leaves that covered the rest.  Just as I finished, Michael climbed down from his ladder where he continues to nail boards on the new greenhouse.  Being one to always twist idioms to his own satisfaction, he made a remark that made me giggle.  "The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence, it is just greener at Uncle Jimmy's house."  Yep, he had a point there. Jimmy's grass is definitely greener.

  Now, a bit of hope for those still enduring the cold of winter. Snowdrops. Yep, that is just what you needed to hear...more about snow.  Snowdrops (not to be confused with snowflakes) are flowers. These tiny flowers burst forth in bloom while the weather is still frigid.  Legend has it that Eve was bemoaning the fact of being expelled from the Garden of Eden and the seemingly endless winter.  An angel turned some of the snowflakes into flowers as a sign of hope that winter would indeed give way to spring. Now, you will have to use your own judgement as to whether it snowed in the Garden or if this is just a lovely little tale but the fact is, the Snowdrops do bring hope that winter might be drawing to a close.  Mom always loved the Snowdrops.  She was not one that enjoyed winter much.  Cold weather was not to her liking and the first sign of spring elated her to no end.  Whenever I see the tiny blossoms in the yard, I think of her smiles when Pop would tell her that the Snowdrops were blooming.  So, be happy!  Spring is on its way!  The Snowdrops are blooming!

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