Just recently, my cousin gave me a book about counting one's blessings. The author tries to make the point that not all blessings are huge and magnificently apparent but some are almost hidden. As I have been reading the book, it has become one of my goals in life to find beauty in common places. Those ordinary things that are usually passed by without ever a glance have suddenly become highly important to me..as they should have been all along. It matters not if I am looking at the marsh grass, a tall pine tree or a bug. I want to see the fine detail of things. I want to view the beauty before me. I want to appreciate the blessing of my senses. I guess I am just trying to soak up everything and stow it in the deep, dark corners of my mind where I can draw on it in the future.
This morning, my sensory titillation literally landed at my front door. I had gone out to feed Ms. Put her breakfast when I noticed that some time during the night, a moth had rested on the screen door. I suppose it was planning on spending the daylight hours clinging to the screen. From my vantage point inside the entryway, the moth did not appear to be vividly colored or exotically marked but still, there was something about that moth on the door that intrigued me. It seemed so peaceful. I admired its color and the perfect symmetry of its wings. The dull, brown moth was a thing of exquisite beauty even though some would think my findings quite crazy! I appreciated the moth coming to visit. It had brightened my day and was marked as one of my blessings for the day. I knew there would be many more.
In fact, there are many, many blessings that go unseen, unheralded by the great fanfare that most would think should accompany any act of God. Perhaps we should start counting the tiny, mundane things in life as blessings so we appreciate life in general.
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