Sunday, June 7, 2015

You Just Never Know....

  When gardening, you just never know if a season is going to prove to be productive or if the crops will be a bust.  Weather, pests, and personal mistakes can blow a garden right out the window.  Then, you could have the storybook plot full of gorgeous tomatoes, perfect squash and delicious cucumbers.  You just cannot predict the outcome of something that hinges on so many different things.

  While out cutting grass, I noticed that the compost pile looked awfully green for something that consists a lot of dead plant remnants.  It was time to investigate what was growing so well in that fertile soil. Obviously, the water hyacinths that were pulled and discarded as compost builders were agreeing with something.  To my surprise, several potato plants had sprouted and were growing prolifically.  The plants were covered with the telltale blooms that were signs that all was well with the plants...they were healthy.

  Now comes the problem.  The potato plants sprouted in the same compost pile that is known to also house a yellow jacket's nests. These foul-tempered wasps will attack me as soon as I start shuffling around the compost but I am curious to see if those potatoes are working.  You just never know what might be hiding under that rich compost!  

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