Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm a grownup now!

  Early this spring, Mark and I would often see a tiny baby bunny near the pier.  More oft than not, the little thing would just hunker down and be still when we neared.   Occasionally, it would ease into the marsh through a nice thatched tunnel.  We decided that Mama Bunny must have made her nest under the first few pier boards.  Here, there was just enough room for a bunny to squirm in and be protected from the coyotes and fox. They would have been hard-pressed to dig up that nest. 

Sweet baby rabbit that grew up in a nest under the pier.
  Each time we saw the little tyke, we would always comment that we sure hope nothing would catch it.  That little bunny was just too cute...and sweet.  It seems, though, that our worries were for naught as now our little friend is quite grown.  It still hangs around the edge of the pier and eyes us curiously as we pass.   

Our friend, Rabbit, that still hangs around the pier.
  This evening when I let Ms. Ez out for her last run, the bunny sat near the board path.  It never moved even when the old dog ran lickety-split past it several times.  Most rabbits would hightail it if a large dog came running straight for it but not this one.  Ms. Ez would tear across the yard and veer off to the side just at the last moment.  Had she not, the rabbit would have been trampled.  It seemed to be sort of a game between the two of them.  Ms. Ez seeing how close she could get to the rabbit before turning and the rabbit seeing just how much of this terror-on-four-paws it could tolerate.  Ms. Ez had no intention of hurting the bunny.  She has never chased them even though dozens call the yard home.  (Now, let her spy a squirrel and it is a different story!)  I guess Ms. Ez sees the bunny as family and, obviously, the bunny feels the same.  This is just another Bayou Friend we see on our hikes.


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