Friday, September 25, 2015

It must be FALL!

  Seasons change a bit differently down here in the South.  Unlike the dramatic changes elsewhere, things do not change that much.  One season sort of drags into the next in the Deep South.  Granted our nights are a bit cooler being in the 70s instead of 90s but the days still reach quite toasty temperatures. I cannot complain, though, as it all suits me just fine.  

  I can honestly say that fall must be here.  Leaves are starting to drop from the trees, the "Naked Ladies" (Guernsey spider lilies or Nerine Lilies) are blooming and the coots are back.  Yep, the Coots are back. One flock of the birds flew in late last evening and were hanging about the pier this morning.  These birds amuse me.  They huddle together so closely that it is hard to distinguish where one bird ends and another begins.  This is a defensive method which protects them against many predators.  It must be confusing to anything that wishes to dine on Coot.  From a distance they do indeed look like one gigantic, pulsating blob.

  The American Coot is another waterfowl that does not have webbed feet. These birds can swim really well without the webs. Their toes are similar to the Pied-billed Grebe's.  Each toe is flared like a little paddle making it easy for the bird to swim.  

  Now for another little known bit of trivia about the coots.  They are kleptomaniacs!  Not really.  Sort of....maybe.  The actual term for their trait is kleptoparasitic.  When a coot is too lazy to hunt for its food, it is not above stealing it from another bird.  If it is easier and quicker to steal, they will jump (errrr...swim) at the chance.  And speaking of food, Coots have an almost entirely plant based diet.  They eat a lot of aquatic plants.  They can be found waddling about the mudflats and shorelines in search of any tidbit of plant.  I suppose we have just found a vegetarian bird!  Welcome back, Coots!

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