Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Lost Love

  The other day, I sat for a while on the pier.  I was not on the end near the water but up about halfway near the mudflats.  This place fascinates me.  There is so much life happening on the much drama, if you please.  What caught my attention this time was the fiddler crabs. Three crabs in particular were having their own "soap opera" right in front of me.  These crabs, I named.  First to enter the stage was Frederick.  Frederick was a small crab in comparison to some of the others but what he lacked in size, he made up for with spunk.  He thought he was boss.  His goal today was to win the heart of the fair Fiona.  Fiona was the young lass who spent her time twiddling the mud with her petite claws.  She was a looker, that is for sure!  Frederick was smitten with first sight of the fair Fiona.  He sidled up to her and waved his large fiddle claw!  This was sure to impress!  If all went well, he would be taking a bride this very day.  Fiona scooted back a bit.  She was uncertain about this suitor.  She had been courted by others and this was starting to get a bit boring.  All of these young swains thought they were beyond others...hmmmph!  She wanted excitement!

The fair Fiona.
  Enter Herman.  Herman had been around for a while.  He was much larger than Frederick and waved his fiddle claw around with quite the panache!  He KNEW he was something special and knew how to catch a girl's attention.  Fiona turned toward Herman.  She was awestruck!  She saw stars whirling about and was dazzled by the fiddle claw!  Ahhhhh, true love was in the air!


Flair wins...Herman and Fiona forever!
  Now for all of you who thought this was going to be a tale about the underdog coming out on top....sorry.  Frederick did not win the hand....uhh...claw of the fair Fiona.  He lost to the handsome Herman. Herman led Fiona off to his abode and Frederick stood waving that fiddle claw to no future bride.  But no worries!  There are other fish in the sea...oh, wait, crabs on the mudflats!  Frederick just kept waving the claw in hopes that some other ladylove would take notice.  He had spunk!

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