Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Sunbeams Settled Like a Cloak Around his Shoulders

  Have you ever thought of the colors of fall?  The reds, oranges, golds and browns all blend so harmoniously together.  Since my decorating for the clue hunt and Halloween is in full swing (and has been for nigh on a month now!), these colors seem to be on my mind a lot. Add a good bit of black and I am quite gleeful, to say the least.  While most folks are saying that I am pushing this fall thing a bit, here lately the weather has been agreeing with me, so I am good.  This morning, even the sunrise shot forth a golden glow to inspire me.

  I was up before sunrise and out the door trying to make the most of the cooler weather.  While Ms. Ez, the old Bayou Dog, headed down the hill to do her morning business, I slipped out to take a single photograph.  Partially hidden in the marsh, an egret waited patiently for a little mullet to venture too close.  The bird, no doubt, was hungry and was oblivious to my presence.  I have photographed hundreds of such birds.  The Bayou is always full of them but this morning, it was not the brilliant white bird that caught my attention. It was the way the golden rays of sunshine cloaked the bird in its warmth.  

  Wishing to not disturb the bird any more than I had already, I slipped back up the hillside.  I was pleased with my efforts in capturing this perfect moment.  I was pleased with the colors of fall.  

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