Saturday, October 24, 2015

A day late...but a lot of much needed fun!

  My writing got waylaid yesterday evening.  We had another running of the Annual Clue Hunt on the Bayou and time just got away from me. When I finally quit for the day, a new day had already begun.  It was just two hours before sunrise and I was dog-tired. (Where did that phrase originate? Hmm?)  Anyway, instead of making the effort of using my brain any further, I collapsed into the bed.  Two hours later, I was up with the sun and raring to go once again.  

  The clue hunt went well once again with the team being enthusiastic and having a lot of fun.  That is all that matters.  I have found that one area particularly sparks the imagination of each team.  I transformed our storage shed into a "Shop of Curiosities".  This small room seems to strike a chord with each person.  I am assuming that more folks have a bit of Bohemian in them that admit to it.  The unconventional flair about the room lends for an active imagination which is exactly what I was aiming to do...tickle the senses, so to speak.  

  All in all, I think I can safely say, even at this point, that this year's event is proving successful.  This encourages me to continue with the hard work involved.  Next year's hunt is already in the works and, hopefully, will be just as enjoyable.  

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