Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Goodbye to a Dear Friend

  Ms. Ez, the Bayou Dog was a fine friend. For the past week, the old dog has been very ill.  Trips to the vet and to the Pet ER did nothing more than make her comfortable.  I am wholly grateful for that as her remaining time was at least close to being pain free.  While the doctors have yet to be able to diagnose her situation, I have almost come to the conclusion that she ate another mushroom and this one was not a good one.  Her symptoms led the doctors to believe she had complete liver failure and the beginnings of kidney failure.  Although her remaining time with us was short, it was filled with more love than could possibly fit in such a short time.  We did everything we could to make her happy and perhaps return a little of the happiness that she brought into our lives.  

  On her final day, she actually rallied a bit and was able to walk about the hillside.  She literally begged to go to the pier.  Like it is mine, that was her favorite place.  She labored to make it all the way to the bench but she was determined and would not let me carry her.  The old dog would occasionally lean against me for support.  Once there, she basked in the bright sunshine and seemed perfectly content as we watched the seagulls and pelicans. 

  Later in the afternoon, Darling Daughter came by and sat with Ms. Ez. This was a special treat for the dog.  Her tail thumped against the floor the whole time.  All was good.  Ms. Ez had such a contented look on her face.  The love between the two was evident. Elizabeth was the one that had rescued Ezzy from certain death when she was a wee pup.  It was only fitting that they had time together to share love that spanned the dog's entire lifetime. Afterwards Ms. Ez rested.

  At dusk, I could tell that things were not good.  I tried to let her out for a final time but she fell against me on the steps.  I carried the 55 pound dog back inside.  She was heavy but my heart was heavier.  I knew she would not see the next sunrise.  My sweet friend was leaving this world. I sat on her bed with the dog on my lap.  Mark sat with her stroking her soft ears.  He told her how much she meant to us and how we had been blessed that she came to be part of our family. Once again, love was shared between animal and human. 

  Right at eight o'clock, Son came to have some quiet time with her.  By this time, her breathing was becoming labored and it was evident that the pain was starting to grow. We held her.  We stroked her fur.  We consoled her with loving words.  At nine o'clock on the dot, she took her last breath in the arms of both me and Son. The very moment she drew that last breath, Keesler Air Force Base played Taps.  I thought of how this, although pure coincidence, was so touching.  Ms. Ezzy had a habit of seemingly standing at attention when the Base would play the National Anthem.  She would automatically stop whatever she was doing and stand facing the direction of the music.  For the entirety of the song, she stood not moving.  As soon as it was over she would leap up and prance about a bit.  I always was amazed at this but now, Taps seemed somehow fitting.

  Goodbye, my friend.  The hikes to the pier at sunrise will not be the same.  I am sure that I will be at a loss for a while without you but I am thankful that you are not suffering.  Godspeed, Little One.  You were a loyal friend indeed.  I will so miss you.


  1. This is so touching. Ezzy was such a wonderful dog! I love her and will miss her terribly!

    1. She was loved by many but none so much as you. Thank you for rescuing her. She would have never had a chance had you not. I, too, will miss her so very much.
