Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The "Pizza Soak"!

    With the name "Pizza Soak", I am sure folks think I do weird things with my food.  Actually, this is no food at all.  This, my friends, is an herbal concoction for healing wounds.  Several years ago, Son dubbed the stuff as "Pizza Soak" while he had his foot submerged in a tubful. Perhaps he was just hungry but he said the smell reminded him of pizza.  The name stuck. I suppose the stuff really does smell a lot like pizza because it is loaded with oregano.  A mixture of oregano, turmeric and Epsom salts are infused in a tub of really warm water.  This is used as a soak for sprains or wounds.  While Epsom Salts have been used for generations, I added the turmeric and oregano.  These both have antibiotic properties and have anti-inflammatory properties as well. Today, however, it was me who needed the concoction.

  Son and I headed out early this morning to tackle a trash pile down by the pump shed.  This had been accumulating for some years and needed to be cleared.  It was mostly old boards but could not be burned in the present area.  We were about halfway through with the chore when a board fought back!  I was stabbed in the hand by a rusty nail! While it was not a deep wound, it still bled like crazy and hurt more than I cared to admit.  We finished the job and I headed inside to tend to my wound.  I really need to be more careful!

  Tonight, I am once again soaking my right hand.  It is turning a lovely shade of yellow from the turmeric and smells highly of oregan but it does feel much better.  This stuff works but I am craving pizza right now! 

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