Thursday, October 15, 2015

Worried....just worried.

  I do believe that I am in for a long night.  I am not complaining as it is important...for me, I guess...for Ms. Ez, I am sure.  She is sick...very, very sick.  The poor old Bayou Dog has some major problems but we are just not sure what is ailing her.  I will be by her side for the duration, though.

  Mark and I were headed to the pier before daybreak and, as usual, the old Bayou Dog wanted to join us.  Mark opened the door and she leapt to her feet.  She was eager to be out in the cool morning air.  "Uh, oh!  Wait!" I probably startled both husband and dog with my screech!  "SHE'S BLEEDING!"  This did not bode well at all.  Her bed was splattered with blood stains as was the floor and she was leaving a trail behind her.  I pulled her to me and checked.  Yep, blood was coming from her mouth. Poor Pup!  It was going to be a couple of hours before I could call our local vet and this bothered me.  Still, she bounded down the hillside to do her business and then was eager to go to the pier. She did NOT look sick but that blood just kept oozing out the side of her mouth.  Once on the pier, I was able to check her mouth a bit closer. Sure enough on the inside of her cheek there was what appeared to be a cut.  Hmmm...not sure where that came from.

  When I finally got in touch with the vet's office, they agreed to see her at 11am.  Wow, that was a long time but when the time came, she was excited to ride in the truck with Mark.  Ten minutes later, he called me with the news. "I am on my way to the pet hospital.  She needs more attention than the vet can give her."  Two hours, eight phone calls and nigh on $700 later, Mark brought her home.  She had stitches but that was not the troublesome part.  Her blood was not clotting.  She was one sick pup that could get a lot sicker.  The illness is worrisome because no one knows what is causing it.  The doctor suggested that she might have eaten rat poison but I feel there is no way possible for this to have happened.  She is always with me other than her quick run down the hillside AND we do not use rat poison.  

  This afternoon has been spent being a nursemaid to the old dog.  She needs the comforting that I give her and I need to feel that I am doing whatever I can to help her.  My night will be spent on the floor next to her encouraging her to rest, stroking her fur for comfort and popping pills into her mouth....and praying that whatever comes, I will be ready.  Get well, Ms. Ez.  We have a lot more hiking to do!

  Thank you, Mark, for being there for our old dog.  Thank you for understanding that not only did she need this care but I needed it for her.  You are my hero!

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