Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bayou Fire!

  Occasionally, something occurs that will irk me a bit.  I guess this is normal as, after all, I am only human.  What raises my ire is when folks come to the Bayou sick.   I figure that if I am ill with some contagious malady, I should keep that malady to myself and not share it.  I stay home.  I make a remedy.  I heal before.....BEFORE.....getting around other folks.  Too bad others do not feel the same.  Year after year, I have tolerated it.  I have hinted around to others that they do not need to share their illnesses with me but to no avail.  They still come and will actually deny feeling bad even though they are gagging while talking with me!  It has gotten to the point that I refuse to deal with this bit of stupidity any longer.  So....I armed myself.

  It is back that time of year when colds and flu seem to be the norm.  Get a lot of people together and, invariably, someone will be sneezing, sniffling or coughing.  This is why I tend to stick to the Bayou and steer clear of crowds.  It is terrible, though, when those crowds (or even a single person) invade my territory and bring their sickness into the Little Bayou House.  In the past, I have been nice and offered home remedies that actually are easy on the taste buds.  No longer.  After this past week of being bombarded by unthinking folks who insisted on sneezing at me, I will fight fire with fire. 

  To battle my winter woes, I stir up a cauldron....err, pot of what has been dubbed the "Bayou Fire Brew".  The name suits it well.  It is hot...spicy, spicy hot like any good Bayou Brew should be.  This is my take on the famous Thieves' Vinegar.  It just has a few added "secret herbs" that make it a tad more effective.  Most folks would complain and whine if they had to sip a bit but I find that spiciness soothing to the throat and chest.  Among those secret ingredients, is a healthy wad of Habanero Peppers. This adds capsaicin (and heat!) which aids in healing.  

  Now that I am armed to the max with this "high-tech" weapon, a threat has been issued!  "Do not come to the Little Bayou House if you are ill because you shall be treated with what I take!" Then the Bayou Fire Brew will be whipped out and folks will receive a dose.  There are two options that will help me here!  One...the brew will cure them and everything will be fine.  Two...they will not return to the Bayou while ill ever again!  Either way...I win!

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