Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Bit Out of Season

  If there have to be "rules" concerning how we dress during the year, then critters should have to abide by some guidelines, too.  You know...things like "Never wear white after Labor Day" or "Never wear socks with sandals" humans, we are expected to follow certain dress codes....animals should as well.  Just kidding.  Although....

  Of all the birds that hang around the Bayou, the assorted gulls are probably the most plentiful.  We have a seemingly never ending supply of the loud, raucous birds.  During the winter months, some of these gulls have plumage changes.  The Laughing Gull is most noted for not only its loud, laugh-like call but also its jet-black head.  During the summer months, the bird's head is covered with inky black feathers. The "hood" changes to a more muted grey during the colder months.  This all has to do with the breeding season.  However...

  However, there is one Laughing Gull here on the Bayou that has not received word of the rules governing his attire.  This gull is still wearing his summer plumage and has not acquired his winter-blah hood.  The gull still sports the crisp black head feathers.  Could this just be a fluke of nature or does it have something to do with the late arrival of cold weather?  I ponder.  

  The lack of plumage change has not seemed to affect the bird in any way.  It is still feeding on whatever it can catch, beg or pilfer.  The bird seems to be of a healthy weight and is quite active.  It is also still quite loud!  Being out of season, it just looks a tad different from the other Laughing Gulls on the Bayou.

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