Friday, January 29, 2016

Doggy Therapy

  As I sat here tonight pondering a multitude of things, the sound of "Taps" wafted  across the Bay.  Keesler Air Force Base plays this at nine o'clock every evening.  In the past, I was always glad to hear the sound as I find it calming. For the past few months, however, the sound sometimes stirs a bit of heartache.  Ms. Ez, the Bayou Dog, drew her last breath at the very moment the music started on October 21st of this past year.  In those few months, I have grown somewhat used to not having her bounding around the yard while on our hikes.  Suppertime comes and goes without me filling her large red bowl.  Nighttime passes with out her whining while chasing squirrels in her dreams.  It is different but I have become accustomed to the vacant spot.  Ms. Nycto, the young Bayou Cat has taken to being a bit clingy and insists on sleeping near my feet each night. That brings a bit of comfort.  Still, it is hard to imagine a cat ever being the fine hiking partner that Ms. Ez was.

  Then, there are times like tonight.  When I heard the music loud and clear, a sudden pang of loneliness hit me.  I miss the familiar thump of the old dog's tail on the hardwood floor. I miss her big brown eyes staring at me wistfully while I sip my tea.  I hate to say it but I even miss the drool that seeped from the side of her mouth as she snoozed with her head on my foot.  Yep, nothing like a soggy. drool-soaked sock to bring back fond memories!

  I ponder just how old PJ, the sweet "city" dog who is coming to visit with the grandlittles, is going feel when he finds no Ms. Ez here to greet him. They were the best of friends and did so well together on our hikes.  I wonder how I will feel having another dog in the house that is not Ms. Ez.  I will say that having him here will most likely help me to resume the daily hikes that have been lacking for the past few months.  It will be will be good.  I guess you can call it "Doggy Therapy" and it might just be what I need.  Yeah, I admit that I really did like that old dog and it is taking a while to get totally used to not having her here so maybe a bit of Doggy Therapy will help.

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