Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Just a tad Confused

  Things seem a mite strange here on the Bayou as it does with most of the nation.  The weather is just weird.  Of course, this far south, one never knows how to dress as the weather can change with the drop of a hat.  Son has the weather forecast thing down pat, though.  "Rainy, Freezing, Sunny, Foggy. big cycle in that order and all that in one week".  He is usually right.  Here lately, even Mother Nature is in a quandary.   She controls that weather but does get a tad confused at times.  The flora and fauna around here are in just as much as a dither as she is.  

  I went out back by the canebrake this morning to dump some old coffee grinds in the compost.  A heavy fog was starting to blanket the creek behind the house.  With the sun not quite high enough to make things bright, the fog sort of emanated a blue glow.  Wow.  That was gorgeous. It is funny how a bunch of leafless trees and scrabbly underbrush can be so pretty.  At least in my brain, this is where beauty hides.  

  It was about this time that I noticed some of the maple trees were not so leafless.  A few of the ones under the taller trees were starting to bud. Oh, geez!  Trees, do you not know that it is far too early for you to be doing this?  Obviously, my chiding the trees would do no good but at least no one could say that I did not try.  Just as I was turning to go back to my fresh-made coffee, a small bird caught my eye.  A little Warbler was busy in those maple trees. I suppose that little one was in search of breakfast.  What a cutie!  I guess I better go fill the bird feeders.

  Son and I did a bit of salvaging today.  With the weather like it is, the lemon trees were starting to bud as well.  Both trees are full of buds with some open blooms.  The weather is predicted to turn cold soon so we decided to dig up the small lemon tree in the garden and move it into the greenhouse.  There it can sit next to the new tree and hopefully be protected as it pollinates and sets tiny fruit. 

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