Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Striving for greater heights?

  Son and I have been using the different sized ladders a good bit in the last few weeks.  Inside, I clambered up the small stepladder to remove Christmas decorations such as garlands.  This five foot tall ladder was also called into action when I wanted to clean the tops of the kitchen cabinets.  He used the long extension ladder to check the house for unwanted entryways created by squirrels and we both used stepladders to pick some of the kumquats.  This all made for lots of steps upwards.  

  It was just today when Son was scaling the extension ladder to reach the rooftop.  He mended a few gnawed holes to block out the furry rascals that insist on abiding in our attic crawlspace.  Once he was down for the day, the ladder was laid over on its side on the ground.  He and I went about a bit of gardening business and when he came back to retrieve the ladder, he found it in use.  Ms. Put had decided that the nice nook between two rungs was a snuggly place for a nap.  When she heard him coming, she sat up and glared at him as if to say "You are disturbing my beauty rest!"  

  Ms. Put is a funny cat.  Over the past nigh on twenty years, she has found more out-of-the-way spots to nap.  We never know where we might stumble upon her snoozing in the sunshine.  Today, I pondered if the rungs of the ladder made her feel secure.  Perhaps she felt that having a "fence" around her would protect her from the marauding stray cat that attacks both her and Ms. Nycto.  With her age starting to show on her, Ms. Put does not need to be antagonized and I am not sure that Ms. Nycto would come to her rescue. 

  When I muttered something about the "fence", Son informed me that Ms. Put was just "striving for greater heights".   Maybe.....just maybe.

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