Monday, January 25, 2016

One Grain of Sand

  Although life can sometimes be rough here, living on the Bayou has its perks.  There is an abundance of wildlife roaming the area, there is always a ready source of "free" food (if you like seafood) and the scenery is amazing.  I would hesitate moving even though things are not the same as years past.  "Progress" in the form of houses, condos and apartment buildings are slowly but surely crowding us to the point that we occasionally entertain the idea of heading further out into the countryside.  Our little paradise is getting smaller and smaller each day.

  One of my favorite things about living here is being able to meander down to the pier before dawn.  The peace of watching the sun rise above the pines is a grand way of starting the day.  I can do a bit of meditating, breathe deeply and then plan my day.  Sometimes the sunrise is beyond breathtaking.  The colors radiate outward causing the entire Bayou to take on hues that are indescribable.  Then, there are times that the sun appears solely as a large ball.  The horizon lacks the cloud coverage to reflect the multitude of colors.  Just a hint of dark orange tinges the skyline and tickles the water's surface.  

  That Old Mr. Sun appeared huge this morning making all else appear dwarfed.  It is times like this that make me feel small and insignificant in the whole grand scheme of life.  I am but a grain of sand among the billions that make up the Earth and even less when compared to the Universe but...but I am still one.  I am still ONE!  And as that one, I play an important role even if it is only to leave one small dot of goodness among a world gone amok.  If I can bring one smile, spark one creative idea or influence one kind act, then there is reason for my being.  Much like the story of the oyster creating a pearl from a single grain of sand, a single person can inspire wondrous things simply by living. 


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