Tuesday, February 9, 2016


  The many hours of work (and play) have proven to be quite the success.  The converted bedroom to playroom seems to be a hit with the Grandlittles along with their parents.  The room has apparently become a "meeting place" for everyone in the household as the Grand Princess, Mary Ruth cooks imaginary food for us on her woodstove.  Today, we had a lovely meal of strawberry tea, ice cream spin tops, coffee and baked lemons.  I admit that it was delightful and the baked lemons were divine!  This was a new food for me even in playland.  I have never had baked lemons before but it does make me ponder if there is such a recipe.  Perhaps MawMaw should check a few cookbooks and perhaps MawMaw can learn a thing or two from the Royal Grand Princess.

  Baby Mark especially loved a tiny wooden wagon that held assorted blocks and spin tops.  Included in this mishmash of things there are a couple of dreidels.  I have no idea where or when I acquired these but the Grand Prince seemed enamored with the things.  He seemed to be happy as long as his daddy was spinning the dreidels on the hardwood floor.  I did make one rather abrupt discovery with these, though.  Dreidels spinning on hardwood floors at 5 am are deafening!  Which is rather funny because they are hardly noticeable at 8 am.  Same dreidels, same floors.....no discernible noise at midmorning.  The Royal Grand Prince thoroughly enjoyed shoving a few of the other toys about the floor until he found a book to eat.  Such fun!

  All in all, I think the room is a success.  Mary Ruth has fully claimed it as "her" room and the contents as "her" toys.  She is absolutely right....it is and I would not have it any other way.  Now if I can just get her mommy and daddy to take "her" toys back home with them, all would be well!  In the meantime, I will breathe a sigh of relief and sit back to enjoy time spent with these beautiful babies!.....oh, and with their parents!

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