Sunday, January 27, 2019

Glad Help Was NOT Needed!

  It appears that I fret far too much over the well being of the critters of the Bayou.  Let one become ill or injured and I am in a tizzy.  That mothering instinct falls into play and if I can help in any way, I will.  The one-eyed screech owl was fed raw chicken.  The baby gray squirrels whose mother was killed by a hawk were bottle fed.  The great blue heron that had its foot torn off was given daily rations of mullet so he would not have to struggle to hunt.  In fact, I have fed more critters than I should have.  The help has ranged from those unborn by me rescuing skink eggs from hurricane flood waters (only to have them hatch in my hands) to comforting a dying baby squirrel that had been attacked by crows.  From the beginning to end...all critters need assistance now and again so I try to be that helping hand.

  This afternoon, I took a break from cutting firewood to admire the reflections on the Bay.  With overcast skies, there was just enough light to cast gorgeous reflections on the dead calm water.  While photographing the pines across the Bayou, a great egret caught my eye.  The bird was standing on the end of the pier and made no effort to move as I neared.  Oh, my!  The beautiful bird seemed to have only one leg!  That would never do!  I was just beginning to ponder if the alligator had gotten this bird like it had the heron.  Had the same ill fate befallen both birds?

  When I was a few feet from the bird, it lifted its wings and flew across the water.  Nope.  My fears were unfounded (thankfully!)  The bird had both legs but was only standing on one at the time.  The other leg was tucked up under its feathers.  This is supposedly done to conserve body heat so it makes sense.  As my friend flew westward, I whispered "thank you!"  I definitely did not need another critter to attend.

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