Saturday, January 26, 2019

Keep Singing, Mr. Cardinal!

  It often makes me ponder when I observe things on my hikes about the hillside.  It matters not if I see something beautiful, unusual or even mundane.  I still ponder the being of things.  This morning, a bright red cardinal sat in the gum tree just above my head.  The bird was singing such a lovely tune that I had to stop and listen for a good ten minutes.  Below him in the underbrush, his ladylove was busy scratching the ground.  From his perch, the male cardinal kept a close watch on her, on me and any predators that may be nearby.  His song, while sweet, seemed to me to be a distraction.  It was called for my ears to keep me from venturing too close to his wife.  Had I proceeded on my hike and neared the female, his song would have changed to a call of urgency.  She would have been warned of the nearing danger.  That did not happen, however, since I was content to watch him.

  The  thoughts that crossed my mind while observing the cardinal ranged from everything of how he protected her to how folks are more familiar with the male cardinal than most other birds. However, other than recognizing the bird, folks rarely know anything about the cardinals.  Because of his brilliant red feathers, this bird is a favorite subject for Christmas cards, figurines and paintings. Some folks, however, have no idea what the female looks like.  Her colors pale in comparison to his but it is for good reason. She cannot be easily spotted while nesting with her muted colors. Also, not many know that the cardinals are least for the season.  While the male is very attentive of his ladylove during the mating season and will often stay with her through the winter, he may choose a new mate during the next spring depending on her ability to raise a successful brood.  Another little known fact is that both the male and female sing.  While his song is more of a territorial thing, hers is usually a "bring me food because I am hungry" notice...and he, more oft than not, complies.  

  My cardinal was doing his best to let his ladylove gather her breakfast without worry.  His song did what he intended for it to do as it distracted my attention from her and brought it to him.  Pretty fellow, you needn't have worried. I would never harm you or you sweet wifey.

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