Saturday, January 12, 2019

Mother Nature's Red, Red, Rubies!

  Have you ever noticed that being in the right place at the right time can afford you some pretty remarkable sights?  Take, for instance, this evening my sweet sister-in-law called me to check out the gorgeous triple rainbow.  Well, being as she is on one side of the Bay and I on the other, I could not see that rainbow.  I figured it was for the viewing pleasure of the folks over that way.  I was not disappointed, however, since it gave her some much needed enjoyment.  

  The other morning, I was out hiking just at sunrise.  The path I chose took me right along the marsh edge under the large oak trees.  Just as I was making a turn to head toward the creek, a bright bit of glittery red caught my eye.  Mother Nature had left her jewelry dangling on a shrub in the marsh.  The beads had evidently been there all night since they were covered with dew.  The sunbeams coming up over the pines caught the prism-like dewdrops and made the beads glisten at their brightest.  Thank you, Mother Nature for leaving your precious jewels out so I could catch a quick glimpse of them!

  The beads were none other than the bright red berries of the yaupon tree.  Right now, they are about the only thing of brilliant color left on the marsh.  The yaupon trees do not mind their roots being in the brackish waters.  They set thousands of berries that will eventually be feasted upon by the cedar waxwings that come to visit the area.  In a matter of hours, every berry in the marsh, creek and on the hillside will be eaten.  The hungry birds will fill their bellies after a long migratory flight.  They come here in search of food and will not be disappointed.  Mother Nature provides for for the birds and beauty for my viewing pleasure.

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