Friday, January 11, 2019

All Laid Out In Black and White

  It does not take a whole lot to amuse or interest me.  The most mundane occurrence can pique an interest and while away a good hour or so.  Late this morning, the event that took precedence over planting grape vines was a huge flock of pelicans that came to visit the Bayou.  While there is nothing unusual about pelicans and bayous, these just happen to be white pelicans.  White pelicans are visitors here.  They are not permanent residents like their cousins, the brown pelicans.  White ones are a reason to quit work, head to the pier and take a few photographs.  

  This mornings' scoop of pelicans was larger than the normal four or five of years past.  Twenty four birds came!  This was cause for elation!  As I was trying to take as many pictures as I could, I began to notice other birds gathering.  Dozens of cormorants soon joined the pelicans.  The mix of black cormorants and white pelicans made me was all there in black and white.

  I am not sure what triggered the memory but Pop always used that term to describe something that was quite simple.  "It was all laid out in black and white."  I always took it to mean that it was as simple as reading something.  It was a done deed if it was written in black ink on white paper.  My pelicans and cormorants were nothing of the sort but the term still seemed to be adequate.  

  My photo shoot came to an abrupt end when I remembered the grape vine roots that were laid bare in the beaming sun.  Oops, better get those things in the ground!  Goodbye, birds!  Hopefully, you will hang around for a while!

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