Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The "Return of the White Trees" or the "Floating 7"!

  While not quite as enthralling as the original "White Trees' tale of long ago and the repeating episodes thereafter, today's White Tree was unique.  The tree contained a "Floating 7".  Now the mystery broadens!  As you may recall from a post several years ago, the White Trees are a sort of eerie incident that has occurred often in this general area. It usually involves wayward kids that are snooping around in places where they should not be.  My first recollection of the Trees was when my brother and I happened upon a portion of the woods that was creepy and, yet, compelling.  As preschoolers, we were chasing a piglet that had escaped the confines of its pen when we came across a dark "tunnel" of sorts that opened into a glen of white trees that were seemingly lit by some unseen force.  It frightened us.  Although something told us not to enter the area, we were almost lured there by the sight.  Later when we told Pop about the incident, he used it as an example of not "going where you do not belong".  That was all that was said of our frightening experience.  Years later, my own sons experienced the same thing and were shaken by the sight.   Then...later still, my oldest brother finally opened up about being scared by a similar sight as a kid.  All of these sightings (whether real or figments of our imaginations) occurred nearly in the same place.  Sort of eerie to know we all experienced the same feeling of angst with the vision.  To this day, no one has given me a satisfactory explanation as to what we had all experienced.

  The "White Tree" of today was a thing of beauty not a thing of trepidation.  While out on a hike with the old dog, Mr.PJ, I noticed dark clouds to the north.  The sky was quite ominous and made my steps a bit quicker.  As I rounded one corner of the path, I looked back at the clouds and saw that the setting sun had caused a black gum tree across the Bayou to almost gleam.  A White Tree!  I stood in awe of the beauty.  It did, however, bring back memories of a time long ago.

  Perhaps the angle of the sun explains all of the other White Tree episodes.  Perhaps the minds of youngsters wrapped up in wild imaginations accounts for the incidents. Perhaps there actually is some weird, unearthly and almost sinister scenario that can only be seen at certain times and by certain people.  Who knows?  This "White Tree" has a "floating 7"!  Maybe that means something!  Yeah, I know.  There is just a dark spot on the branch but it sounds much more fun to be a floating 7.  The mystery broadens and the plot thickens.

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