Monday, January 21, 2019

They are confused

  Things can get in a turmoil when get they get toppled.  A bit of discombobulation throws everything into a tizzy.  Our one day of winter, has the trees so confused that some are starting to bud.  Yep.  One day of winter is all it took.  The temperatures dipped to freezing overnight but by this afternoon, the bright sunshine made the trees think spring has sprung.  

  I was out clearing the garden space and pruning back some of the fruit trees but when I came to the peach trees, I was flabbergasted!  Those goofy things were setting buds and a few blooms had already opened.  Well, I have news for them!  According to the weather people, it is going to get cold here again in a couple of days.  I sure hope those peach blossoms have winter coats otherwise there will be no peaches come summertime.

  Weather here on the Bayou can go from one extreme to the other in a matter of hours.  While we do not have the frigid temperatures nor the mountains of snow, we do get "cold spells".  These, however, never last long and we go back to nigh on summertime.  I get confused so it is no wonder that the plants do the same.  Hang on there, peach trees!  Winter ain't over yet!  You are going to be shaking in your boots and there is nothing I can do to help you!

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