Saturday, February 16, 2019

First One of the Season

  This afternoon, I decided that I needed to escape the confines of the Little Bayou House.  Lately, I have had to take care of the old dog, Mr. PJ, so hikes were out of the question.  His health comes first and since he has separation anxiety due to age, I had to stay within a few feet of him at all times.  However, Son volunteered to dote on the old fellow so I could go out to clear my brain of all worries.  While it was heavenly to be back on the trail again, so to speak, I missed the dog's presence.  I guess I have grown too attached to the old boy even though he is technically not my dog.  I am fostering him for my son and daughter-in-law...albeit obviously for the rest of his life.  So maybe he is not my dog but he is my be it.

  In a way, it was good that the dog was not with me on this particular hike.  Before he became ill,  he had taken to venturing too near the marsh to do his business.  Not being a true Bayou Dog, he had no idea the dangers that lurked there.  My hike this afternoon took me directly on top of one of those dangers.  The recent high tides has left behind marsh mats that are quite thick and obviously make good houses.  As I was wandering about this day, a huge cottonmouth was sunning on a mat right next to the pier. I stepped on the pier and immediately saw the snake.  It was a big 'un!!  

  Watching the cottonmouth, it was soon evident that this guy was in no hurry to leave.  It made no attempt to slip back under the marsh mat but also made no threat to me.  Contrary to what most folks believe, they are not aggressive.  However, had I made one misstep, or aggravated the snake, the story might have ended differently.  I could have easily ended up with a nasty bite.  The snake was definitely within striking distance.  

  So, folks, with the warm weather as of late, be careful!  The snakes are out doing their snaky things and, if you are not careful, that includes protecting themselves by biting.  I think the old dog will be taken on the other side of the house for a while.  His senses are not what they used to be and his reaction time is way too slow.  No need to put him in danger. We will play it safe.

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