Monday, February 4, 2019

Its Limited

  It seems that my hikes and, thus, my picture taking has come to a screeching halt.  The old dog, Mr. PJ, is in no mood to go traipsing about the hillside lately.  He barely makes it down the hill to do his business.  That, in itself, is a troublesome feat, as of late.  I cajole, coax, demand, urge and sweet talk him but, if I do not literally lead him, he would just as soon stay on his bed.  Always before, the open door was his invitation for a romp in the yard.  Now, it is just the proposition of a tedious chore for him.  So, by the time I get him down and back, my morning hiking time has been expended.  The same goes for the evening hike.  It just ain't happenin', folks.  Mr. PJ parks himself about halfway down the hill and refuses to go one inch further.

  That said, the Bayou has become a boring place.  With no adventurous hikes back into the creek bed, no pushing through the brush to some secretive critter hideout or no early morning treks to the pier, I feel lost.  Until things get better with the old dog, my photography skills will be limited to a very small area of the yard.  His health comes first.  Pictures of wildlife will be those taken through a small window through the underbrush that allows me to see a portion of the Bayou.  Sunrises will be seen through the treetops and sunsets will be completely out of the question.  

  With the old dog's health failing and his energy level nigh on non-existent, my job will be to try and keep him comfortable.  While he happily sleeps away the daytime hours, his nights are a different story.  As with most aches and pains, his seem to worsen at night.  It is then that he gets multiple urges to "go" but refuses to go out without me by his side.  Something in the dark scares him.  He becomes highly disoriented and cannot find his way back to the house.  His sleep pattern has become erratic and he panics if he awakes and he cannot find me.  The quietness and dark are just too much for him to handle.  So...MY sleep pattern has become erratic.  

  Bear with me, folks.  The posts will be odd, short and probably a bit senseless. 


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