Sunday, February 3, 2019

That Is Laughable!

  There are things in life that, while serious business to some people, are downright humorous to local folks (wherever local is).  For instance, folks up north are amused by the south's reaction to snow.  Yep.  We admit it.  We get a tad excited when a few snowflakes fall.  We overreact.  We stockpile foodstuffs.  We call it a holiday.  Hey.  We never get to see the stuff so its a novel thing.  Having northerners make fun of our glee is ok by us.  We know that it is all in fun and we are not offended.  The same thing happens when a freak hurricane zips up the East Coast.  Panic mode sets in and those in the Deep South are quick to throw a few jokes to our neighbors.  It is all in fun and is not meant to hurt any one's feelings.  Then there are things that are just laughable.

  I was searching through things in the storeroom to use as possible props for the clue hunt that is still a long time from now.  However, October will come quickly and I need to get some things prepared.  While in there, I came across a few burlap sacks.  Well...maybe?  The sacks themselves are what caused me to giggle.  I had one that used to hold chestnuts, one that held coffee beans and the other was an oyster sack. Overall, burlap sacks are not humorous.  In fact, they are good, sturdy things that are quite useful.  It was that oyster sack that sent me into a fit of giggles.  THAT had to be the tiniest oyster sack I have ever seen!  I mean...come on...if you are going to the trouble to open oysters at least get an 80 to 100 lb sack!  This thing could not have held more than two dozen oysters!  What do you do with 24 oysters?  Oh, geez.  Whoever bought oysters in this sack could not be from here.  Sample sack...maybe?  heehee

  In most yards of true southerners, there are huge mounds of oyster shells.  These are the remnants of the 3 or 4 (80lb) sacks that are shucked at any given sitting.  Folks just do NOT open 24 oysters.  When the sacks come in, you might as well call it a party.  Any one who is in the neighborhood can drop in for a fully dressed oyster po-boy or at least a handful of the fried oysters.  No one bats an eye at the sharing of the food.  It is all good.  "Come on in and get a po-boy!  We just shucked a few sacks and I'm fryin' them up right now!  Sit yourself down and help yourself!"  These words flow freely to any and all.  

  Any person who toted that miniature oyster sack to the back yard shucking bench would most likely wind up being the butt end of numerous jokes.  It just would not fly here.  Itty, bitty sack of oysters!  Still, the sack will come in handy as a clue hunt prop so I guess it is all good.  Now...I wonder how in the world I came into possession of the cute, little thing?? And why do the oysters printed on the sack look like evil eyes?   

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