Monday, February 18, 2019

Lost in Space?

  Why, oh, why is it so difficult for salesmen to think it is beyond a woman's capability to know a thing or two about building or mechanics?  I am beginning to think I shall never go to the local home supply place again unless I find a woman employee to assist me.  Case in point...a couple of years ago, Darling Daughter and I needed two wooden circles about an inch in thickness and twenty four inches in diameter.  I knew the place had them but when I asked two male employees, I was told "We do not have those.  Get your husband to come in and get what you need."  That did not sit too well with Darling Daughter and, needless to say, she was a bit more calm than I would have been about their courtesy.   I felt like having a "board meeting" right up side their heads but knew that might get me arrested so I let her handle it.  She calmly told them that their attitude was unprofessional and one she could do without.   One of their managers overheard the conversation and, well, that was that.  We got our boards and, to be honest, never saw the two employees again. 

  It was in this same store that I asked a salesman where I might find a wood plane and received the reply that they did not sell toys.  "No, sir.  I need a wood plane.  It is a woodworking tool."  The man looked at me and point blank said that they did not sell woodworking tools.  "WHAT???  You are a lumber yard and do not sell woodworking tools?  What do you call saws, hammers, drills, sanders and routers?"  He just looked at me blankly and said "Oh, those are tools.  What did you need?"  Never mind...I will find it.

  Then, today...I called the same place about an air volume control for our well pump.  Thankfully, a woman took my call.  I had hopes that all would end well.  I carefully explained what I needed and asked if they had any in stock.  "Let me check" she confidently answered but things went downhill from there.  She asked an associate to help her find the item.  He then proceeded to act like I had no idea what I needed and tried to sell me a shutoff valve.  "Nope. I need an air volume control not a shutoff valve."  He asked for my husband.  Grr! Yes.  My husband is usually the one that has to deal with these salesmen...thankfully.  I would not have the patience.  He does.  My immediate thought was, "Dude, I am about to smack you silly!" (No, I did not actually say that but so wanted to.)  Instead, I gave him the model number and asked if that helped.  Get this!  HE asked if it was a "little thingy that looked like a spaceship."  Oh, my....I shook my head and said "Yes!  And if you look really close, you might actually see the little aliens that operate the thing."  (Yes, that really did slip out of my mouth.)  Our conversation quickly ended.  I do not think he was amused.  I was.  Perhaps he was just lost in space.

  To be totally honest, the air volume control did slightly resemble a spaceship but I was not expecting that to come from someone who just assumed that I had no knowledge about the pump part.  It seems to me that if you are going to be helpful to folks, at least be slightly familiar with what you are selling and DO NOT make the assumptions about the capability of ANYONE!  Aside from all of the (almost) humorous interactions with sales people, I still do not have my pump part.  Son had to jury-rig the pump to keep us with water until the new part arrives in a week.  

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