Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Thatching

  Desperate times call for desperate the old saying goes.  I never really thought how this might hold true in the critter world until this morning.  While out walking the old dog at daybreak, I noticed something in the marsh.  Some small critter was scampering about as if hunting for something it lost.  At first, the thought of a rice rat crossed my mind since this thing was too small to be a nutria or otter.  Then, a clear view made me realize that it was a squirrel.  I literally laughed out loud at the critter and truly asked it what it was doing down in the marsh.  Of course, the squirrel gave no answer but continued its search.  After a few moments, it came out of the marsh, passed between the dog and me and headed up into the nearby oak tree.  In its mouth, the squirrel was carrying a long tuft of marsh grass.  I watched as she (and I now knew this was a female since she was nest-building) carefully tucked the marsh grass into her nest.  That sweet squirrel was lining her nest to make it more secure against the weather.  She was smart.  Even though that Groundhog Day has come and gone, the squirrel knows weather and she was making preparations for what is to come.  I have never seen a squirrel harvesting marsh grass as they usually stick to the more convenient grasses around the hillside. The thatching process was in full swing, however.  

  This afternoon, that same little squirrel was still busy.  This time, however, she was harvesting a different crop.  Clippings from one of the shrubby bay trees was her plant of choice.  The small tree was quite leafy just yesterday but was nigh on devoid of leaves today.  The little squirrel gnawed through four different branches while I was standing not ten feet from her.  These, she nibbled on for a few moments then toted them up to her cozy nest.  I am not sure if these were intended as a food supply or more nesting material but she was intent with her work.  Perhaps the recent cold spell made her realize that her nest needs attention and she is making good use of today's warm temperature. 

  I am thinking this little squirrel is preparing her nest in time for the March birthing season.  Most squirrels have two breeding seasons with the first little ones being born in early spring (March here).  There will still be cold nights then so Little Mama is padding the nest well. She will also have to stay near her little ones for a while so a food supply will come in handy.  Even if it is twigs to nibble, she will be able to survive.   

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