Thursday, February 28, 2019


  Early this afternoon, Mark headed out to help an elderly couple that we know.  They were having a bit of trouble with their truck so he volunteered to repair the thing.  No sooner had he left than I heard a strange ruckus in the back yard.  I listened for a moment then grabbed the camera and raced to the back door.  I recognized that cacophony!  There were bald eagles somewhere nearby and I wanted photographs, if at all possible!

  My efforts were rewarded!  I did not even have to get off the back porch before I spied these majestic birds.  Three....yes, THREE adult bald eagles were in a pine tree next to the house!!  Ok, ok..calm down.  If I wanted clear photos I needed to take my time and find the best spot to stand.  I quietly slipped off the porch to get the first pictures but an oak tree limb shrouded the birds.  the first photo of the three birds was not as clear as I wished. It was definitely a better place up on the porch.  Just as I prepared to take another photo, one of the eagles flew directly over my head and out of sight behind the roof of the house.  Drats!  Nope!  Do not be discouraged!  Concentrate on the other two.  Then the second bird flew in the same path and was out of sight.  Ok...I am happy with one! 

  The eagles fascinate me and I am happy to see that the numbers here are growing.  Obviously, the birds are being pushed more and more to our piece of property since it is one of the last "wild and free" places in the area.  I intentionally leave as many trees and as much underbrush to act as a safe haven for the critters.  It seems to be working.  The eagles are welcome to stay!

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