Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Not Very Photogenic

  It is a well known fact that I tote my camera just about everywhere I go.  It has been said that I take far too many photographs.  It is also true that my subjects are usually critters.  Indeed!  Very few of my photographs involve people.  Why?  Well, since I am not a fan of being in photographs, I respect the feelings of others who may be the same way.  I have yet to find a photograph of myself that I like.  There is a term for not liking to be photographed.  Supposedly I am "camera conscious".  Who knew it even had a name??  Sometimes, critters can be highly photogenic but they, too, have their bad days or are just camera shy.  Occasionally, a photo of one of my bayou critter friends is so amusing that it needs to be shared simply to bring a smile.   Perhaps the critter would not agree, but they probably do not worry about such trivial things.  They are too busy surviving.  

  This afternoon, a young heron visited the pier.  At first glance, I assumed that my friend, Moe, was asking for a handout but this was not so.  The bird was much younger (as evident by the spotted belly) and much skinnier than Moe.  Well, skinny birds need to be fed so the net was called into action once again.  This time, I was throwing the thing as Mark was not there.  The bird was happy when I caught 6 nice mullet for his lunch.  Once I put down the net, I, of course, picked up the camera.  The bird was obliging and let me get a few nice photographs. 

  One photograph, however, did not do justice to the bird.  The poor thing looks emaciated, oddly shaped and slightly deranged!  The heron would probably cringe if it saw the photograph!  Sorry, my friend, but I just had to share with the world!  

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