Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Where did the world go?

   About 3pm, I took the old dog out for a hike.  Not that he hikes any more.  Rather, he meanders to the first place he deems comfortable and then sits. There he stays for the duration.  I walk around him keeping within 10 to 15 feet so he won't panic about the distance. My hiking world had disappeared, so it seemed.

  While out this afternoon, a heavy fog was rolling in off the  Bay.  We were in a slightly sheltered area beneath an old oak tree but the world around us was slowly being devoured by the "mist monster".  It did not take long before much of the scenery was completely blocked from view.  It is times like this that the imagination can run wild with tales of happenings on the Bayou.  You can get that eerie feeling that something or someone is watching your every step.  Things can get pretty creepy if you let that imagination slip too far into the mysterious, dark channels of the mind.

  On a brighter note, all of this fog made for some pretty exquisite spiderwebs.  The fog causes water droplets to linger on the wispy threads of silk.  It always amazes me how strong each strand of webbing is.  The droplets hang like jewels of a necklace and even the tiniest bit of light makes them sparkle.  These jewels can compare with the brightest diamonds found.

  So, there you have it, folks. My world did not disappear.  It only became fog laden.  Life is all in how you look at things and we need to all learn to make the best of whatever is thrown at us. When we focus on problems, they multiply but when we focus on possibilities, new opportunities come into play.  My limited hike still managed to provide a bit of interest.  

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