Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ahhh, That Is Better!

  For over a week now, fog has ruled the Bayou.  Basically, everything was blocked from view.  At times, the stuff was so thick that it felt more like rain than fog.  While the temperatures were warm enough for short sleeve shirts, a jacket was required just to stay dry.  The nighttime jaunts out with the old dog were interesting to say the least.  With the fog hanging densely around you, sounds were muffled.  Nary a footstep could have been heard even at a few feet away.  Mr. PJ was nervous and refused to step foot outside without me by his side.  This fog was not only present at night and early in the morning but lingered throughout the day.  The sun did not shine.  It was covered over so that not even a hint of it could be seen.  It was almost as if we were shut off from the world!

  Then along about 3pm today....a happy miracle occurred!  The sun broke through the dense fog and shone brightly for a little while!  Most of the time, I am fine with fog, rainstorms and gales.  Why even a tropical storm or hurricane does little to ruffle the feathers but seeing that sunshine today made me smile!  I needed it.  Things have been dark around here long enough and this was enough to give me a much needed boost.  Also, after seeing the sun pouring through the french doors, I am glad that I listened to friends and kept the (left over from clue hunt) "stained glass" look intact.  It was just another "happy" added to the day.

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