Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Alrighty Then....

  Mr. PJ, the old dog, has been feeling downright poorly for the past few months.  As matter of fact, I was quite worried and still am.  He had bouts of congestion, aches and pains and fatigue.  My poor old buddy was ailing.  After poking him full of just about every known medication in the world (yes, extreme exaggeration there), he showed no signs of improvement. It was disheartening, to say the least.

  Late this evening after he was all settled in for the night, he suddenly stood up and stared at me.  I talked with him a bit and patted his head.  It did nothing to appease him.  He stood.  He stared.  Well, that was a bit unnerving.  I decided that perhaps he would like a treat.  Since the vet put Mr. PJ on a diet, I looked at my list of fruits and chose a banana.  I ate most of it but gave the dog several chunks.  Then he started eyeing my drink. Well...I checked and, yes, he could have pineapple juice.  My well-meaning intentions did not go over so well, however.  I poured about a tablespoon of the juice into his food bowl and waited.  Mr. PJ loves to eat.  Anything that hits that bowl is his and he quickly devours it.  Anything except pineapple juice, obviously.   He took one lap with his tongue and his head jerked up.  He gave me the oddest look as if to say, "What is that junk?  How can you drink it?"  I giggled, quickly took the bowl away and gave him a treat instead.  That did it.  Mr. PJ promptly walked to the door and waited to go outside.  I obliged but, since it was cold, refused to go down the hill.  He would just have to be satisfied with a short walk.  

  Once we were back inside, the old dog had more energy than I have seen in him for months.  He nudged me to keep walking around inside.  Well, maybe he needed exercise?  So we made loops around the furniture in the living room. This soon turned into a game with him trying to "catch" me.  He would dodge this way and that trying to confuse me.  Goodness!  He has not played in a year!  Then, when he cornered me, he tried to grab the hem of my jacket to play tug-o-war.  Oh, no!  The vet had already banned that game.  I tried to get my jacket back and Mr. PJ did his play barking!  WHAT??  He has not barked (even at strangers) in six months!  This was different!  I tried to calm him by distracting him.  We walked to the kitchen where he hurriedly cleaned the floor of all crumbs and extra cat food.  This, too, was something he has not done in a long time.  In fact, he has not done much of anything for a long, long time.  What was up tonight?  After our interesting playtime, Son took the old dog out for yet another outing.  This time, they went all the way down the hill where Mr. PJ wished to traipse in the marsh.  Thankfully, Son had the foresight to leash the old fellow before beginning the walk so there was no marsh tromping.  A half hour later, they came back inside but Mr. PJ's energy was not expended, as of yet.  More circling the furniture and cleaning the floors.  Afterward, he spied the cat.  He tried to get a good game of chase going with Ms. Nycto but she was having no part of it.  

  All of this is a bit confusing.  One part of me is in hopes that it is a sign that he is finally getting well.  Another, more disturbing side, has a nagging feeling that perhaps he needed one more day of being a puppy.  Hopefully, the first is true and there will be many, many more days of puppy-like feelings.  He and I both so enjoyed our evening....even with the foul-tasting pineapple juice incident!  I will say a little prayer that he is on the mend.

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