Thursday, March 7, 2019

Where Are You?

  Yesterday evening, it was already getting a bit dark when the old dog and I took our last walk for the day.  He meanders the marsh line hunting for the "perfect" spot then does his business.  I tag along to keep him out of trouble and also help him when he stumbles.  Mr. PJ is a good dog and has adapted well to living on the Bayou with one exception.  He has still not learned that the marsh can be a dangerous place and, under no circumstances should one go traipsing about the place.  There are far too many critters that reside there that can potentially hurt someone (even if that someone is a dog).  Yesterday, he was bent on entering the marsh.  It was all I could do to prevent that from happening.  We struggle to make the meeting of minds a nice situation but having a hard-headed dog makes it difficult.  I was just about to give up and let him fulfill his dangerous wishes when something else stepped in to give me a helping hand.  About twenty feet out in the marsh from the dog, a goose started calling.  The noise was exceedingly loud!  So loud, in fact, that it startled Mr. PJ and sent him running back up the hillside.  The goose in my new hero!  

  Again this afternoon, the geese were calling but this time they were overhead instead of in the marsh,  A dozen or so nice geese were leaving my cousin's house and made a large loop over house.  Mr. PJ could hear them but could not figure out where they were.  While nervously searching for the geese, he became a bit disoriented and promptly plopped himself down to wait for me to come to his rescue.  I have never seen a dog so happy as when he finally focused on me.  His tail started wagging and he trotted up to me with wild eyes.  Hearing those loud yells but not being able to find the birds caused him a bit of worry.  He sure was happy to hear me call him to come inside!

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