Friday, March 8, 2019

Don't Bother

  Sometimes you can tell by the time the sun rises over the pines that the day is just not going the way you planned.  That is the way my day started.  During the night, I awoke several times to check on the old dog as he has been have great difficulty at night.  All was well with him.  I was elated that he was breathing fine and seemed comfortable after having bouts of heavy congestion for a while now.  It seemed as if this was to be a restful night.  Then, at 4 am, he awoke and was restless.  He gets a bit disoriented with just a small lamp to light the room and begins bumping into things as he searches for me.  Well, that was the beginning of my day....4 am...early.  In fact, it was too early even though I normally am up at daybreak.  Since it was still dark outside, I dillydallied around before taking him out for his morning hike.   When I finally did, that sunrise told me it was a day I should have stayed in bed.  It was as if the tiny bit of light was telling me "Don't bother trying to get anything done today.  It ain't happenin'!"  So...the start of the day set the pace. It wasn't happenin'.

  While the sunrise, itself, was gorgeous, things went sliding downhill from there.  I had high hopes of finishing some yard work that I started yesterday but the weather did not play well.  There was nothing to do except give in and stay inside.  The old dog and lazy cat and I moped around for most of the day.  Mr. PJ slept, Ms. Nycto fidgeted and I tried to clean house.  That is a losing battle with those two inside.  Both the dog and cat are losing their winter coats which means instead of dust bunnies under the sofa, I have dust puppies and dust kittens everywhere!  I finally gave up and resigned to having a hairy least, for the meantime.

  Those heavy clouds at dawn are usually the harbingers of bad weather.  This weekend is supposed to be plagued by storms complete with thunder, lightning and high winds.  Torrential rains are to pelt the Little Bayou House and the weather forecasters have not ruled out waterspouts and tornadoes in the area.  For anyone in the path of these storms, hunker down and be safe!

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